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Moving can often be stressful under the best of circumstances. If you were in the process moving when the coronavirus pandemic hit or are in the position of having to move during this time, there are added concerns and anxieties. At Econo Move & Storage, we are here to serve the community of San Antonio and central Texas as an essential business. Our dedicated team will make sure your move is completed with the proper safety and health measures.

If you are in the late stages of buying a home or are being transferred for work, moving is not just an option, it is a necessity. The movers at Econo Move & Storage have always placed a high priority on cleanliness and personal safety. Since the spread of COVID-19, we have all been specially trained in coronavirus safety precautions to continue to provide the highest quality professional residential and commercial moving and storage services.

Is Moving an Essential Activity?

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, the world changed with the onset of the new coronavirus that spread throughout the globe. In many ways, it felt like life stopped with stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines put in place to help “flatten the curve” and reduce the spread. All businesses that were not deemed essential to the public’s health and well-being were shut down until it is safe to reopen without risk of spreading COVID-19 throughout the community.

Before the coronavirus took hold of the world, there were many circumstances when moving would be considered essential to your life, especially after deposits have been put down and plans affecting multiple people have been made.  The scientists and government agree and have classified moving companies as being part of an essential industry. Econo Move and Storage is open for business!

If You Can Move, Should You?

The coronavirus is a universal problem affecting the entire world. Businesses of all kinds, sizes, and types around the globe are all in the same boat. People will have to be flexible to accommodate rescheduling and special circumstances.

The American Moving & Storage Association is advising the public to put off moves when possible until after the pandemic is over, especially for those who fall in the higher-risk categories, such as being over 60 years old or those who are immune-compromised.

How is Econo Move and Storage Handling the Pandemic?

For many, moving right now is essential. At Econo Move & Storage, we are dedicated to providing the same quality moving and storage services with an added focus on the health and safety of our employees, our customers, and their belongings. We are going through extraordinary, unprecedented measures to ensure our movers go above and beyond the guidelines set forth that help to keep the virus from spreading and harming more people.

At Econo Move & Storage, we are implementing strict steps to help mitigate the risk of our services contributing to the spread of the deadly virus. Among the practices, we have begun using as standard operating procedures include:

  • Strict adherence to the six-foot social distancing guidelines, including no handshakes or other physical contact between movers and customers
  • Conducting all non-physical moving business through virtual means, such as estimates and inspections
  • Practicing stringent hygiene, including frequent hand washing and disinfecting
  • Movers properly wearing and disposing of protective equipment such as gloves, masks, and frequent using of hand sanitizer
  • Pre-move health and wellness checks to ensure everyone involved in the move is healthy
  • Constant, near-obsessive cleaning of surfaces, gear, and the interior and exterior of all vehicles

How to Safely Move During Coronavirus Crisis

Make It Easy for Movers to Wash Hands, Disinfect

Have an ample supply of hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and spray near the front door, and a clear path to a sink where movers can wash their hands after each load. Use paper towels instead of cloth towels for easier and safer disposal.

Use New Moving Boxes

The new coronavirus can stay on surfaces of cardboard boxes for up to 24 hours. It is safer to use new moving boxes purchased at a store rather than the popular practice of using recycled boxes that are tossed by others. We offer packing boxes here at Econo Move & Storage. You can also reuse boxes already in your home, provided there has been no one in the home who has been exposed to or contracted the virus.

Further Emphasize Safe Hygiene

Make sure you and anyone else in the home washes hands frequently and wipe down surfaces and items as they come and go. This will provide another layer of protection against the coronavirus. During the move, you and your family should also be wearing gloves and face masks.

Sanitize Everything You Can

Tightly seal everything you can in bags and boxes. Make sure all furniture and electronics wrapping materials are thrown away as soon as they are unpacked at the new location.

Pre-Move Preparations

Leave doors open and provide as clear and wide passageways as possible. Open up the windows and interior doors for improved airflow and ventilation inside during the move.

Why Use Econo Move & Storage?

Since 1990, Econo Move & Storage has taken great pride in providing safe and affordable moving and storage services for the people of San Antonio and central Texas. Now more than ever, you can count on us to have your back when you need us. Our team of experienced, knowledgeable moving professionals has been adequately trained in ways to keep everyone safe during the moving process.

Contact Econo Move & Storage Today

For complete information on the steps and procedures we have put in place during these most difficult times, contact our Econo Move & Storage today for a free estimate and have all of your important questions answered by industry professionals.

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